PAYPAL has been set up under my e-mail address of

Let me tell you about my BFF Hope, also know in my letterboxing world as SNAPDRAGON...
About two weeks ago, one of her beloved cats (Onyx) showed up at her door with a broken leg. Well, her cats are her babies and she was extremely upset by this. She took him to get his leg fixed and brought him home with a very large vet bill of over $1000.00 dollars...
A few days ago, she had another of her cats (Applesauce) show up at the back door with you guessed it- a broken leg!!!!
She expressed her concerns and sadness... and some of her letterboxing friends and I decided that we needed to help her out.
I was telling my Mum in Maine about the Kitties...
My Mum and her sister meet every Wednesday to make quilts... They make quilts for unfortunate people who have lost their home to fire... for people dealing with cancer... for people staying at the Ronald McDonald house... for soldiers from Maine returning from war... just to name a few...
They get together to sew once week... because that is their family tradition. Their mother taught them to sew quilts, as my Mum taught me (at the age of seven) ... and so when I told her of the Kitties... well she offered me one of the handmade quilts by the YOUNG sisters. (Their maiden name)
The quilt is HANDMADE, in the state of MAINE, by my Mum and her sisters...and it is 76" X 90", the pattern is a Kaleidoscope Windmill pattern done in shades of purple... which is very royal looking... It will sit on top of a KING size bed well... but Mum calls it a QUEEN size quilt, so it hangs down around the edges...... now IF you have a smaller bed then it will hang down the edges and keep you even warmer.
*******And so I will offer chances on this quilt for a donation of $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. ALL PROCEEDS will go to save the kitties!
I will write your name and contact information on each ticket you buy all tickets will be put into a container, shaken not stirred and SNAPDRAGON will pull the winner on SUNDAY December 21st.
Please contact me at gayle1111@gmail with QUILT in the subject if you need more information. I have set up a PAYPAL account under this e-mail address if you want to donate. Please include your name and phone number contact in case you win...
The money will be given to the VET for the bill.
The drawing will be the week before Christmas OR when the VET is paid off... whichever comes first... That way the quilt can be given as a Christmas present if you wish...
My Mum and her sisters recently donated 2 quilts for a fund raiser for my nephew's Dad, who is a self employed drywall carpenter, in Maine, with cancer... the raffle quilt took in $1000.00 and the second quilt was to be auctioned off in a silent auction tonight at the fund raiser auction and supper...
My Mum has made everyone in my family at least one quilt (some of us have a couple) and then their is the "under the bed box"... Quilts made for us, after she is gone, that are safely tucked under her bed... We know they are there and will be there for comfort after she has passed away... many years from now...
We all love these I am sure you would too. I wanted to make the quilt for this cause because Hope is really my BFF... but my Mum and Aunts are all retired and work much faster than I do... They spend their summers collecting cloth at yard sales, from donations given to them and when it is on sale... this is their life long goal... to spread the love through their Maine made quilts... They never sell their quilts... although they have been known to barter for items, to help others...
You see my mother and her sisters have had cancer or have cancer now and so they know the hardships of the terrible disease... This is their way of spreading the love...
So SHARE the love and take a chance! You will not be sorry you did...
Please pass this message on to ALL your friends.
You can give out my e-mail address: to anyone who wants more information...
Thanks so much,
BONE YARD RECORDER (and grandmother of grand kitties...)