Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Just a couple of pictures from AM...

Joe Biden is here in town so I thought I would show my NON support... I made myself a tee shirt showing my love of Hockey Moms and I embroidered my cheek pocket with the VOTE McCAIN PALIN logo...

If you want one just let me know...

The FBI has us all locked in right now... but I have been seen in the front window like Granny requested...

It is over now... the Sharp shooters were on the roof across the street from my shop... I waved when I saw then spying on me with their binoculars... they saw me and they laughed... We were restricted to the sidewalk in front of our shop... behind yellow caution, DO NOT CROSS tape.... actually it was keeping the other people out...

After the people started leaving we went out to look at all the hats, buttons and T shirts they were selling... I didn't buy anything... more fun to make my own...

Just havin' a little fun, that's all... BYR

Saturday, September 13, 2008


It was raining hard when I woke up this morning... I looked at the weather radar and saw a large green rain blob heading to the like any red blooded American letterboxer... I grabbed my keys, 25 clues, my and got out the map... I threw in the Indigo Girls CD and was off to another adventure in letterboxing history... heading for Delaware.

I could not get that childhood rhyme out of my head...

If Mississippi gave Missouri her New Jersey, what would Delaware? Idaho, Alaska. ...

I was on my way and soon out of the rain... wishing for a familiar voice to say "Good mornin' sunshine.."

I had the inside scoop on the location of some wonderful WOM boxes in the area and the anticipation of great boxes, in great places, with great clues was very exciting... my heart was fluttering with anticipation and I once again had a smile on my face... I bet those oncoming cars, and people who did manage to pass me by and look over, had NO IDEA what could cause the plain old Maine Country girl to have such a big smile on her face...

I visited many places and saw many signature stamps from my boxing friends, I laughed at myself to see I had already been on one trail with Granny Butterfly earlier this year, the day before the OHMAZING RACE, but we had missed a coupla stamps and I really wanted to find "The Little Red Truck"... seems everyone had this one but me... It was simply beautiful in the woods... I hiked over the river, or stream, and through the woods, up the hill and back down again... not remembering what boxes we HAD found and what were missing... I knew it was at least one... the elusive "Little Red Truck"... now the clues were great, but the signs in the area had been vandalized. This trail, as beautiful as it was, had been somewhat abandoned in the past, but wait what is that? A tree had fallen over the old path, the clue sign was laying on the ground and the rangers had wrapped orange ribbons around all the trees to guide me to the last boxes... long story short... I made it to the "LITTLE RED TRUCK"... forgot my red ink, so it is a black truck for now... maybe I can photoshop it red... when I got to the MOUSETRAP box there was a big old log inviting me for a visit and I smiled as I sat there thinking about my past year of letterboxing...

I am a Maine Country girl who has been transplanted in Ohio... I love Maine, but I have finally taken root in Ohio and it is all because of my dear letterboxing friends. I know it may be hard to imagine how such a talkitive girl could have been so lonely... I am the President of the County genealogy chapter here, I am on the Cemetery Board in my township, speaking up for the dead. I am their voice now... I teach people how to care for headstones, and bone yards, and help them with restoration of such places too... But I came up short with TRUE Friends... you know, the ones who will take my FREE HUGS ...

And then I found letterboxing... I got a phone call... it was from JENNY, Jenny was a friend of mine... kinda like my kid... anyway Jenny knows me and my interests and says she is in a cemetery in Cincinnati and she has found a letterbox... she thinks I might like this little hobby and tells me to investigate it... so she tells me website to check out letterboxing...

I have made REAL FRIENDS, people who care, people who call me up to say hi, people who end their conversations with love ya...
and know you know the rest of the story, or should I say the beginnings of my addiction...

But it is a good addiction. I am getting in better shape everyday... I am becoming FOREVER YOUNG... and as I sat there pondering my life, and what the future might hold, I counted my blessings, and decided to follow the advice of Lee Ann Womak... The minutes flew by and the day was ending... I still had a couple of places I wanted to go...

As my day ended, I headed towards Radner, I wanted to get there before dark, I stuck in the Indigo Girls CD, to sing along with the chorus'...
And what song should start up? GET OUT YOUR MAP!

For your boxing adventures... I suggest a little INDIGO GIRLS music... you can change up the lyrics to suit yourself... here are the words I heard as I drove off into the sunset...

The saddest sight my eyes can see...
is that big ball of orange sinking slyly down the trees.
Sitting in a broken circle while you rest upon my knee...
this perfect moment will soon be leaving me
Suzanne calls from Boston, the coffee's hot, the corn is high,
And that same sun that warms your heart,
will suck the good earth dry...
With everything it's opposite,
enough to keep you crying,
or keep this old world spinning with a twinkle in its eye...

Get out the map,
get out the map and lay your finger anywhere down...
We'll leave the figuring to those we pass on our way out of town.
Don't drink the water,
there seems to be something ailing everyone.
I'm gonna clear my head...
I'm gonna drink that sun...
I'm gonna love you good and strong
while our love is good and young.

Joni left for South Africa a few years ago...
and then Beth took a job all the way over on the West Coast.
And me I'm still trying to live half a life on the road...
I'm heavier by the year and heavier by the load...
Why do we hurtle ourselves through every inch of time and space?
I must say around some corner,
I can sense a resting place.
With every lesson learned...
a line upon your beautiful face.
We'll amuse ourselves one day
with these memories we'll trace.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008




Halloween is my favorite time of year...

I love the cooler nights,
colored leaves

and the ability to dress up,
and be someone else,
without seeming too weird...

I hope...

My favorite Halloween
was spent with the man of my nightmares...
Vincent Furnier,
or you may recognize him as
Alice Cooper.

He came to Fremont a few years back.
So I donned a heavy fur coat, (to stay warm),
my pearly white fangs,
and even red contact lenses...

I grabbed a photograph of him,
that had been a gift a few years earlier,
and went to wait in line for his autograph...

I was second in line.
The guy in front of me brought his guitar
to be autographed.
About four cool hours later
the doors opened
and we were allowed
to have our picture taken,
as you can see...
and get one autograph...

It was great to meet the guy
who sang all those cool songs
back in the 70's...
I think I knew all the words
to all his songs
back then...
We would ride around,
in my blue Chevy El Camino,
crank up his tunes,
in the tape player
and play frisbee,
in the middle of the road...

Who could believe, decades later,
he would still be going strong,
still singing and performing
like it was just yesterday...
and he was still tall
(well at least taller than me)
(in more ways than one...)
and handsome
(even without the eye makeup) ,
and he even dressed in leather ...

I even liked his snake...

and you

Bone Yard Recorder
don't like snakes...

It was a real treat, that I will not soon forget...

I bought Sister a crystal ball that night...

So let's dress up...

Bone Yard Recorder

Saturday, September 6, 2008


That's right I have fallen in love with MARION...
I will consider this place home too...

I went to MARION,
to find my friend Forrest...
and to stop for a mystery box,
and to see a little red-haired girl...
I took my clues...
and went on a mid-morning hike...
I heard I would find him in his "room"...
He had left his mark in many places,
and the clues took me on a trip
that was just beautiful...

This is a hike you should soon take.

I was on a quest to break F-500.
Just to show myself I could.
As Coffee Mug and Granny Butterfly say...
"we're not into numbers and noses...
just out to have a good time..."
to converse with nature...
and feel the cool breeze
blowing through my hair...

How is it that I have lived over a half century now
but feel under a quarter century old?

Maybe it is because of that fresh Ohio air.

Going to the quarry
brought back many good feelings
about home...
and being 21...

When I was younger
I used to hike up to the Quarry,
around the Prospect, Maine area,
with old friends.

That is where part a of the movie
by Stephen King,
was filmed.

My Mom and nephew
went to the filming every day
and took a bunch of pictures...

The best part of that
was getting photographs,
first hand,
of the cemetery
and the movie sets.

The downside was listening to how the movie was made,
and how the stunts were done...
It kinda took the thrill out of seeing the movie.

The part of the movie,
where the guy goes to the top of that mountain,
where all the Indian stones are piled,
is the quarry where we used to swim.

Not many Mainiacs,
who live in that part of Maine,
haven't been to the quarry.

Last time I went up there
I noticed the NO TRESSPASSING sign
and the German Shephards,
that are there to guard the entrance,
and I sighed...
just another memory now...
not to be revisited.

Too bad...
It was a magical time...

But now I have new friends
and new adventures
and new memories...

I look for places to go
that remind me of home...
it makes Ohio more like home
every day.

And there's no place like home...